Finished BattleTank in UE4 course

Finally had time to finish to finish section 4 of the Unreal Engine 4 C++ course in Udemy the BattleTank game. This section taught a lot C++ programming in UE4, some UI, landscape creation, game pad inputs and input events and very simple AI for enemy tanks.

Short gameplay video I made of the project how it is after the course section is finished. I will come back to this course after I have finished the next section and make better game play and AI and level.

I have already started the next section in the course that is a FPS game and have made good progress on that project.

So far the FPS game section has covered things like:

  • AI behaviour trees
  • patrol routes
  • instanced materials
  • AI perception, sight and hear AI senses
  • Animation and Animation blueprints
  • sockets to skeleton
  • refactoring UE4 project, how to move and delete C++ classes in UE4 etc.
AI patrolling guard

The course is very interesting and covers a lot of things in C++ but also teaches blueprints and general use if the engine. I also made short video of the progress so far: here

I have also bought another UE4 course that is Epic approved course made by Epics Unreal Engine Evangelist Christopher Murphy it is called  Unreal Engine 4: How to Develop Your First Two Games and it also looks very promising UE4 course, I hope to have time some weekend to start that.

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