CSE168 Notes 2, intersections

 Raytracing 1: Intersections different type of rays need different information, shadow rays intersection / no intersection. primary rays: point of intersection materials, normal, text coord .. etc Ray-Sphere Intersection Substitute: Simplify Substitute: quadratic equation for t Intersection point substitute t back to the ray equation. surface normal at point of intersection: Ray-Triangle Intersection Combine with…

UE4 course Room Sequences

Rendered two videos after finishing first section Epic approved UE4 course of https://www.udemy.com/unreale4 First video is room I quickly put together by myself second one is after followed the course videos. Video of cinematic sequence of my room:   Sequence of room made following the course videos:

Ray Tracing in One Weekend Books

Finished reading excellent ray tracing books by Peter Shirley: Ray Tracing in One Weekend (Ray Tracing Minibooks Book 1) and Ray Tracing: the Next Week (Ray Tracing Minibooks Book 2)  I also finished coding the example ray tracing project from the books. There is also third book in the series that I have bought for kindle and hope to…