CSE168 Notes 2, intersections

 Raytracing 1: Intersections different type of rays need different information, shadow rays intersection / no intersection. primary rays: point of intersection materials, normal, text coord .. etc Ray-Sphere Intersection Substitute: Simplify Substitute: quadratic equation for t Intersection point substitute t back to the ray equation. surface normal at point of intersection: Ray-Triangle Intersection Combine with…

CSE168 Computer Graphics II: Rendering

Notes and learning diary for CSE168 rendering course on Edx that is part to of CSE167 Computer Graphics course on Edx by Ravi Ramamoorthi.https://learning.edx.org/course/course-v1:UCSanDiegoX+CSE168X+3T2024/ Course projects / homeworks: Systems write modern 3d image synthesis program.(path tracer with importance sampling) RAYTRACING 1: RAY CASTING Effects needed for realism raytracing: pixel by pixel instead of object by…

Ray Tracing in One Weekend Books

Finished reading excellent ray tracing books by Peter Shirley: Ray Tracing in One Weekend (Ray Tracing Minibooks Book 1) and Ray Tracing: the Next Week (Ray Tracing Minibooks Book 2)  I also finished coding the example ray tracing project from the books. There is also third book in the series that I have bought for kindle and hope to…

Review of Edx Computer Graphics Course

I recently finished an Edx MOOC course Computer Graphics (cse167x by UC San DiegoX )  taught by professor Ravi Ramamoorthi. I also achieved a verified certificate from the course. The course taught the foundations of computer graphics by using OpenGL in homework projects as well as asking the student to implement basic ray tracer from…