CSE168 Notes 2, intersections

 Raytracing 1: Intersections different type of rays need different information, shadow rays intersection / no intersection. primary rays: point of intersection materials, normal, text coord .. etc Ray-Sphere Intersection Substitute: Simplify Substitute: quadratic equation for t Intersection point substitute t back to the ray equation. surface normal at point of intersection: Ray-Triangle Intersection Combine with…

CSE168 Computer Graphics II: Rendering

Notes and learning diary for CSE168 rendering course on Edx that is part to of CSE167 Computer Graphics course on Edx by Ravi Ramamoorthi.https://learning.edx.org/course/course-v1:UCSanDiegoX+CSE168X+3T2024/ Course projects / homeworks: Systems write modern 3d image synthesis program.(path tracer with importance sampling) RAYTRACING 1: RAY CASTING Effects needed for realism raytracing: pixel by pixel instead of object by…