**Development Journal** 2017-02-24: dof to my scene ============================================================= ![My custom scene](2017-02-24_001_cubes_g3d_r1090__My_custom_scene.jpg) 2017-02-24: white cube screenshot for report ============================================================= ![](2017-02-24_000_cubes_g3d_r1090__.jpg) 2017-02-23: Final tweaked scene ============================================================= ![final scene polished](2017-02-23_000_cubes_g3d_r1090__final_scene_polished.jpg) I spend time to change materials of the cubes to get a little more interesting looking scene. Changed the big cube in the middle to have green glass material 2017-02-22: added cube thing ============================================================= ![playing around with Depth of Field](2017-02-22_001_cubes_g3d_r1090__playing_around_with_Depth_of_Field.jpg) Playing around with depth of field settings and materials. ![added cube](2017-02-22_000_cubes_g3d_r1090__added_cube.jpg) wanted to make the scene more interesting and added object made of one big cube and three cubes scaled to be long on z axis. 2017-02-21: My own custom scene ============================================================= ![tunne of cubes](2017-02-21_000_cubes_g3d_r1090__tunne_of_cubes.jpg) started to build my own custom scene that is the last scene of this project. Made a tunnel of cubes, will add something still inside the tunnel and choose better materials etc. 2017-02-19: put back the whiteroom cubemap ============================================================= ![cornell box with white skybox](2017-02-19_001_cubes_g3d_r1090__cornell_box_with_white_skybox.jpg) set skybox wit whiteroom cubemap texture. 2017-02-19: Spiralling stairs ============================================================= ![stairs](2017-02-19_000_cubes_g3d_r1090__stairs.jpg) stair case scene is created in c++ function by writing to std ofstream. stairs are created from a scaled cube object that is textured. Stairs are added in for loop where in each loop y component of transformation is increased and also the yaw rotation is increased. 2017-02-18: Cornell box continued ============================================================= ![Cornell box walls and light](2017-02-18_002_cubes_g3d_r1090__Cornell_box_walls_and_light.jpg) Added wall models and entites and transformed and rotated them to plae. Also added two spot light, one towards floor and another one towards roof. To get more darker backroung I removed the whiteroom cube map and replaced it with texture = 0.02. texture = 0.02; // "cubemap/whiteroom/whiteroom-*.png"; I spent way toom uch time to trying to get the lights to look nicer instead of everytinh to bright instead of spending time on cube placement. 2017-02-18: Cornell Box scene ============================================================= ![cornell box boxes](2017-02-18_001_cubes_g3d_r1090__cornell_box_boxes.jpg) started to build cornell box but not from the walls but from the boxes. 2017-02-18: white cube scene ============================================================= ![white cube scene](2017-02-18_000_cubes_g3d_r1090__white_cube_scene.jpg) frame = CFrame::fromXYZYPRDegrees(0, 0, -2, 45, 0, 0); The task also required that the cube is 1m^3 but I couldn't find the yet what are the default units so I am assuming now that they are in meters and I am not scaling the cube. 2017-02-17: Started the warmup section ============================================================= ![white cube scene of the warmup section](2017-02-17_000_cubes_g3d_r1090__white_cube_scene_of_the_warmup_section.jpg) I started doing the warmup section and added the whiteCuvbe.Scene.Any file to the project. The cube was originally yellow and the task was to change it to white by changing the material color from (1,1,0) to (1,1,1). In the screenshot I have reduced the bloom to better recognize the cube. 2016-08-12: Formatting Notes ===================================================== This development journal is for you to maintain a log of your project. It is in [Markdeep](https://casual-effects.com/markdeep/) format. It is readable as plain text but will have additional nice formatting when loaded in a web browser. Put the newest entry at the top of this file, like a blog. Begin the title of each section with a date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). Press F4 or F6 in your G3D program to automatically add screenshots and video to this development journal.